Les différents topics concernant la Roadmap finissant toutes par partir en vrille, il devient difficile de distinguer ce qui relève de l'officiel ou du jugement personnel. Ce topic, en accord avec les admins, a donc été créé dans un but très clair : pouvoir se renseigner rapidement et facilement sur les dernières nouveautés.
Ainsi, merci de ne bien vouloir poster que des messages sourcés relevant de la Roadmap, SCL, ISC ou autres infos postées par CIG. Des sources vers des traductions / résumés en français sont également les bienvenues. Tout post ne respectant pas cette règle sera ainsi signalé et supprimé par les admins.
Ainsi, ne sont pas acceptés les débats ni même les simples "merci pour l'info", le but étant, je le répète, de garder une bonne visibilité sur les dernières news.
Merci de bien vouloir jouer le jeu
Lien Officiel vers la Roadmap du site RSI : https://robertsspaceindustries.com/roadmap
Un autre post a été créé pour les discussions / débats : https://www.new.jeuxvideo.com/forums/42-29704-69809273-1-0-1-0-discussions-concernant-les-infos-officielles-du-jeu.htm
On commence ainsi avec la dernière mise à jour : https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/roadmap-roundup-may-25-2022/5109295
Notable Changes for May 25, 2022
As we explained in great detail in our latest Letter from the Chairman last week, we're going to update Release View this week to reflect the rollout of key technologies in 2022 as we continue on the road to Alpha 4.0.
First, you'll notice that the 3.18 column has been adjusted to now arrive in Q3 2022. We're aiming to include with the release of Alpha 3.18 the implementation of Persistent Entity Streaming (PES), a core technology that allows for all dynamic objects in Star Citizen to persist across servers and play sessions. A fundamental change to how state is recorded in the persistent universe is going to have a lot of edge cases and issues we have not come across yet or foreseen. Because of this, we are going to be approaching 3.18 differently than our previous releases, as we are anticipating that 3.18 will require a much longer time in the Evocati/PTU testing phase than our previous releases.
The goal will be to get 2-3 months of testing on Alpha 3.18 in PTU for an Alpha 3.18 release to LIVE in late Q3. However, there's still plenty of content on the way in the meantime! This will be released on the current Alpha 3.17 branch in a 3.17.2 update, which is targeting late June. These features will appear on Release View in the existing 3.17 column, currently marked as Tentative until their final reviews are complete. As a reminder, a column encapsulates any incremental patches within that same column. For example, the 3.17 column lists all content coming within that patch cycle, including 3.17.0, 3.17.1, 3.17.2, etc.
Once 3.17.2 is released, testing on 3.18 will commence shortly after. The 3.17 features listed below (save for the first one!) are all targeting this Q2 release.
Additionally, there will be an Alpha 3.19 update at the end of Q4, with a similar testing approach as 3.18 for the initial release of Server Meshing, the Pyro System, and more in Alpha 4.0. Therefore, you'll see the 3.19 column has been updated to release in Q4 2022.
Please let us know if you have any questions on the new release cadence, and be sure to check out the Letter from the Chairman for more details.
Release View
The following cards have been added to Release View:
Drake Mule
Building, implementing, and balancing Drake's cargo vehicle, the Mule, as a game-ready vehicle. This feature has been added to the Alpha 3.17 column.
Illegal Delivery Missions
Implementing illegal variants of delivery missions into the persistent universe, including reputation gains with criminal factions. This feature has been added to the Alpha 3.17 column and is targeting delivery in Q2 in 3.17.2.
AI - Planetary Navigation
This system allows NPCs to move on planetary surfaces using a dynamically generated navigation mesh. This will efficiently process planetary terrain and objects to prioritize the processing of the environment around the players into navmesh, allowing the use of all existing functionalities on planets. The first implementation of this feature will be the Reclaimer Derelict Points of Interest. This feature has been added to the Alpha 3.17 column and is targeting delivery in Q2 in 3.17.2.
Derelict Reclaimer - Points of Interest
Additional points of interest that will be scattered both on planets and in space. They will be derelict Aegis Reclaimers with some type of activity (puzzle, traversal, missions) along with rewards to loot. This feature has been added to the Alpha 3.17 column and is targeting delivery in Q2 in 3.17.2.
Additional Stanton Lagrange Points
Implementing additional reststop locations surrounding microTech and ArcCorp, including both the stations themselves and the gas clouds surrounding them. This feature has been added to the Alpha 3.17 column and is targeting delivery in Q2 in 3.17.2.
Siege of Orison
Implementation of Siege of Orison, a new dynamic event in the persistent universe. Featuring both FPS and flight combat, this new event puts you against Nine Tails to liberate the floating platforms of Orison. This feature has been added to the Alpha 3.17 column and is targeting delivery in Q2 in 3.17.2.
Persistent Entity Streaming
Implementation of the Persistent Entity Streaming core technology into Star Citizen. Making use of services such as the Entity Graph and Replication Layer, this will allow every dynamic object in the game to fully persist across all servers, irrelevant of whether it is owned or held by a player. This feature has been added to the Alpha 3.18 column.
Progress Tracker
The following deliverables, previously Unannounced, have now been revealed on the Progress Tracker:
Drake Mule
Building, implementing, and balancing Drake's cargo vehicle, the Mule, as a game-ready vehicle. This deliverable has been added to the Audio, Narrative, Vehicle Concept Art, Vehicle Content - EU, Vehicle Feature, and VFX teams' schedules.
Anvil Legionnaire
Building, implementing, and balancing Anvil Aerospace's dedicated boarding ship, the Legionnaire, as a game-ready vehicle. This deliverable has been added to the Narrative, Vehicle Concept Art, and Vehicle Content - EU teams' schedules.
Traduction FR :
Roadmap véritable :
Inside Star Citizen du 26/05 :
Pack Mule | Spring 2022 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGRKdRcSk74
Vidéo traduite du SCL sur Zvonimir : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dAo23WLp5T8
(Merci de m'avoir fait découvrir cette chaîne)
3.19 ou 4.0 ? Question légitime, mais continuez ce débat sur l'autre topic svp :
Ici c'est juste pour les news.
Le 27 mai 2022 à 11:04:10 :
Vidéo traduite du SCL sur Zvonimir : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dAo23WLp5T8(Merci de m'avoir fait découvrir cette chaîne)
C'est la chaîne de Zvonimir mais c'est traduit par GautSlayer, un grand merci a eux ! Cette chaîne est une mine d'information, ils traduisent tout !
Star Citizen Live du 27 Mai 2022 : Invictus All-Ships Q&A
La version traduite sur ZvonimirTV, par GautSlayer :
MAJ de la roadmap de la semaine
- https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/18728-Roadmap-Roundup-June-8-2022
En résumé :
Les fonctionnalité de la maj 3.17.2 passent en committed on release view
(- Additional Stanton Lagrange Points
-Derelict Reclaimer Settlement - Point of Interest
-Derelict Reclaimer Space Missions
-AI - Planetary Navigation
-Illegal Delivery Missions
- Event : Siege of Orison)
Extention du progress tracker jusqu au Q1 2023
Ajout au niveau du progrès tracker :
-Salvage - Vehicle Munching
-Freight Elevators
-New Player Experience
-Player/Machine Physical Interaction
-Anvil Crucible
Disparition de la roadmap
- Mécanisme de depressurisation
traduction de Millenium
Merci pour la maj
On a donc la confirmation, même si ca semblait évident, que le chargement et déchargement manuel du cargo ne sera pas en 3.18 avec le cargo physique mais bien dans un futur patch, au plus tot Q1 2023 avec l'ajout des ascenseurs pour cargo en plus des hangars persistant sur le progress tracker :
Freight elevators :
Implementation of systems and content for players to physically load and unload cargo to and from their ships by conveying cargo to and from hangars, landing pads, garages, and docking collars.Persistent hangars :
Work that grants players the ability to have their own Persistent Hangars. This will also bring changes to the Cargo gameplay loop by allowing players to pack their grids manually.
je rappelle qu il y a un topic pour discuter des news donc évite le HS
Star Citizen Live du 10 juin 2022 :
Traduction live FR de GautSlayer sur ZvonimirTV :
Inside Star Citizen du 16 Juin : Inside the Merchantman
Le résumé d'Hugo :
Le résumé Millenium :
Mise a jour de la Roadmap d'hier :
Ajout des avant-postes abandonnés et des renforts IA sur la 3.17.2.
Progress Tracker :
Ajout des installations dans des astéroïdes,
Adding new Asteroid Facilities to the persistent universe. Hand-crafted traversable areas offering different gameplay opportunities both in the interior and exterior of asteroids. This deliverable has been added to the EU Sandbox 1 Team's schedule.
Suppression temporaire du Progress Tracker des Hull B, D et E, Genesis Starliner et Orion.
Due to a shift in priority for the Vehicle Concept Art team, both to await specific systems coming online as well as additional resources needed on other upcoming vehicles.
Inside Star Citizen du 23 Juin : Second Life | Spring 2022 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9AshHwQUBQ
Trad Live en FR sur ZvonimirTV : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FK59Yxt1NT0
Résumé Millenium : https://www.millenium.org/news/391864.html
Résumé d'Hugo : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j30V3C4JPaM
Mise à jour du 6 juillet.
Ajouts sur le Progress Tracker :
- Vehicle Tractor Beams
- Artificial Gravity
- Fire Rats Armor
- Shopkeeper Outfits
- Unified Itemports - FPS
- Swimming T0
- AI - Utility
- AI - Commuter
- Environmental Space Missions
Nouvelle mise à jour de la Roadmap :
Rien de spécial cette quinzaine.
Release view :
Anvil Centurion nouveau véhicule terrestre anti aerien
Progress Tracker :
Une partie de la Propos Team bosse maintenant avec les équipes artistiques Sandbox et SQ42, l'autre partie est affecté à la nouvelle Interactables Team.
Et surtout n'oubliez pas :
Le 27 mai 2022 à 11:27:51 :
3.19 ou 4.0 ? Question légitime, mais continuez ce débat sur l'autre topic svp :
Ici c'est juste pour les news.