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Sujet : Ruine de Lonka

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Siriru Siriru
Niveau 4
10 mai 2007 à 10:07:37

This one´s easy. When you attack the flying Lonka Ruins, you´ll have to take out some Fire Cannons and Rockets. The Fire Cannons use Emission all the time, so it shouldn´t be too hard to learn it. (if you don´t have Missile yet, you can get it from the Rockets easily)

White Wind
This is a VERY handy Blue spell. You can get it inside the flying Lonka Ruins. An enemy called Whirldemon uses it, but since it´s a healing spell, he´s not going to be stupid and use it on your party. So you´re going to have to pursuade him to do so by using the !C ontrol ability on it and forcing him to cast it on your party.

This is another handy tool to have, at least in this stage of the game. Another enemy in the flying Lonka Ruins, Lamia, has this spell. Unfortunately, it doesn´t seem to want to use it. So, !C ontrol it and have it use Blowfish on a Learner. This will most likely kill the Learner, so be sure to revive him/her before killing the Lamia.

Level 4 Gravity 2 / Level 4 Quarter
First, you´ll have to make sure that at least one of your characters has a level which is a multiple of 4, and make him/her a Learner. When you´ve done that, go to the very end of the flying Lonka Ruins, but don´t talk to King Tycoon just yet. Instead, walk around in that area until a Hydra confronts you. When it dies it will cast Level 4 Quarter as a last ditch effort. It may not kill you, but everyone who has a level divisible by 4 will not be feeling very well afterwards.

Ca vient de mais comment revenir dans les Ruine de Lonka, j´ai oublié d´apprendre ces magie Bleus, peut on les avoir dans un autre endroit ?

Nnos Nnos
Niveau 8
10 mai 2007 à 10:52:55

On peut les avoir à d´autres endroits.

White Wind sur un monstre commun du Monde 3
Level 4 Gravity au temple du vent.

Ya un guide sur ce forum avec les magies bleues, consulte le

BaikenShishido BaikenShishido
Niveau 10
10 mai 2007 à 18:22:09
sasukestargolf2 sasukestargolf2
Niveau 2
13 juin 2023 à 23:31:53

Il y a un coffre que on peu voir durent la fuite des ruine mais on peut pas le prendre et certain l'ont dans les vidéo youtube comment on fait pour l'avoir il se situe en haut a droit du 4 e étage.

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